Keto Radish Gratin
Radish gratin is a perfect alternative to potato gratin which is a cheese creamy side dish suitable by itself or with your meat and fish dishes.

Ingredients for 2 servings
• Radish 200g
• Onion 50g
• Butter 2 tbsp
• Salt ½ tsp
• Double cream 90ml
• Cheddar cheese grated 100g.
• Garlic powder
• Parsley to dress (optional)
(per serving)

- Add 1 tablespoon of butter to a frying pan and gently fry the radish and onion for 5 minutes.
- Use the remaining butter to coat the the ceramic dish to prevent sticking.
- Season the radish with garlic powder, salt & pepper.
- Slice the radishes and place one layer into the ceramic dish, then add some cheddar cheese.
- Continue adding layers of radish and a sprinkling of cheese.
- Pour over the cream and remaining cheese.
- Bake in a preheated oven 190c 170f for 15 -20 minutes until cheese is golden brown.
- Can be refrigerated for up to 5 days in sealed container.
- Dress with parsley (optional)