Why do we believe in Ketosis? Because we’ve lived the results.

Our founder Richard was 33 when he learned he was Type II diabetic with a body fat percentage just under 60%. This is his story.

Did I have to feel this way?

I knew I wanted to improve my health but I felt constantly lethargic, with no energy to train or even enjoy days out with my family. I was struggling with anxiety and depression and hated the way I looked but had no 'get-up and go' to do anything about it. 

I suffered back pain and had lots of acne all over my body – something that had stayed with me from my teenage years. I also had to deal with debilitating migraines. I went blind with them and couldn’t function at all when one came on. All medication issued by my doctor had stopped working over the years, which forced me to use the only thing that still worked... a FULL pack of paracetamol EVERY SINGLE DAY! This was having a detrimental effect on my kidneys.


'Well Man' Test

I booked in for a 'Well Man' test with my doctor to find my blood glucose levels were through the roof, my blood pressure was high, my kidneys were in bad shape and my Pattern B LDL cholesterol was high. I had a good job, a house and a beautiful wife & daughter, but I hated my life. Something had to change.



Ketosis came into my life

I was introduced to keto by my friend Jonathan. He told me about a diet (which soon became a lifestyle change) called Ketosis. Ketosis utilises fat for fuel, which is fab if you're looking to lose body fat (and I had plenty of that to lose), but also boasted huge health benefits.

A diet that utilises fat for fuel and makes you healthier for it? Seemed way too good to be true, but to drastically change my quality of life, something major had to change. I decided to give it a go.

Within the first month, I lost 2 stone. By month 4, I had lost an amazing 4 stone - that's 56lbs in 120 days! Over 12 months, my total loss was of body fat was over 100lbs.

I had cut my carb intake dramatically and was now a super-efficient ketone power house. But did I lose energy, was I still feeling lethargic? For a little while, yes. But after that? The switch flicked and I was now keto-adapted and I had more energy than I'd ever had before. So much I started training again.

My migraines had disappeared and my medication use went down to zero, my acne had completely cleared up, aches and pains in my back were non-existent, and, more importantly, I started to love life again!


'Well Man' Test Two

But what about my health?

I booked myself in for another 'Well Man' test with my doctor. This keto thing just seemed too good to be true: I was eating 60-80% fat all day, pork chops with all the fat, chicken with the crispy skin, lamb, steak and cheese on the side, and felt the best I've ever felt.

I knew something that felt this good couldn't be bad for me - despite going against everything I was brought up to believe - but got tested anyway.


The Results?

My doctor found that my sugar glucose levels had dropped to normal, my blood pressure was perfect, my liver & kidney function were superb, my heart function was exceptional and my triglyceride profile was optimal.

The doctor told me the results were comparable to that of an athlete! I was 33 years of age and officially in the BEST shape of my life.



Why Keto-Pro?

Richard Smith a Nutritionist, Professional Athlete and British Champion.

"I’m passionate about the impact the Ketogenic Lifestyle can have on health and well-being. I had learned a lot and with my insight as a nutritionist, I wanted to provide the support and the supplements that help people as they adopt the diet, plus make sure that they have access to affordable, high premium products that pack in a tonne of health benefits.

That’s why I set up Keto-Pro after reversing my illnesses, I felt like I had a secret, a secret I need to share with the world and help transform the health and lives of other.

Today, we have thousands of customers who have transformed how they look and feel. It is possible, it is not difficult, it is all here at Keto-Pro.

This is the life.

This is the Keto-life.

I can’t wait to hear from you."





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