Macadamia Nut Pesto

Pesto sauce is an easy way to add additional fats to zoodles, cabbage, and meat dishes. Incredibly fragrant and looks amazing. Macadamia nuts are perfect for the Keto diet and are 75% monounsaturated fat. Nut consumption has been found to improve health is a variety of ways, help with weight loss, enhancing skin health, improving blood pressure, reducing cholesterol, blood glucose, and HbA1c levels

Ingredients (4 servings)

Basil 21g

Salt 1 teaspoon

Black Pepper 1 ½ teaspoon

Parmesan Cheese 28g

Extra virgin Olive Oil 100g/100ml

Macadamia Nuts Raw 75g

Garlic 4g

(per serving)


  1. Combine all ingredients into a food processor and pulse until desired texture

  2. Refrigerate in airtight container

  3. Store in the fridge for up to one week or freeze in an ice cube tray in small portions for up to 3 months.

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