Salted Egg Yolk Sauce
Here is a yummy salted egg yolk sauce you can add to meat, fish and vegetables. It’s traditionally a chinese sauce made with duck eggs and is very different to hollandaise sauce, as the yolks are cooked beforehand. Within this recipe add we added some coconut aminos (omit if you wish to lower the carbs).
Duck eggs are noticably larger and more expensive than chicken eggs, but if your on a budget then chicken egg yolks also work well.
Lots of choline, good fats , B12 , selenium and low in carbs.

Ingredients (4 servings)
• 8 egg yolks
• Salt ¼ tsp
• Erythritol 20g
• Coconut aminos ½ tsp
• Olive Oil 48ml
(per serving)

- Separate the egg yolks from the egg and gently run water over to take off any egg white
- Place on gently oiled baking tray and drizzle the coconut aminos over the eggs cook at 176c (160 fan) in the oven for 15 minutes
- Remove once cooked and allow to cool completely
- Place egg yolks into a food processor and blitz until smooth
- Place a small frying pan on the stove, heat medium
- Add yolk crumbs, olive oil, salt and erythritol to the mix
- Stir continuously for about 5 minutes
- Once ready pour over, meat, fish or vegetables, additional salt if you require
- Will keep in airtight container for around 5 days refrigerated